9 research outputs found

    Presentation of the paper “Faat – Freelance as a Team”

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    [EN]This is the presentation of the paper entitled “Faat – Freelance as a Team” in the TEEM 2015 International Conference held in Porto (Portugal) in October 7-9, 2015. Agile methodologies are reliable engineering and management practices, capable of helping in the development of quality and successful software in business environments. However, most of these methodologies are centered on a development team and its internal communication. Moreover, for simplicity, a single product development is taken into account with its successive releases. There is another scenario: that of a single programmer working alone and often in much smaller projects and in several at the same time. Also in this scenario the client proximity is not as described by the agile environment ideal. In that case, the priorities and needs change, communication takes on another meaning and working mechanisms are not always comparable to that of a team. This paper introduces Faat (Freelance as a Team), a methodology specifically designed for those professionals. Integrating existing practices to the needs and possibilities of an individual programmer. However, it has been frequently considered the possible application of this methodology to small teams and/or other more general scenarios. This methodology has been tested in the web-based learning applications

    Monitor de Salud Personal

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    En este artículo se presenta el sistema Monitor de Salud Personal desarrollado en Telefónica I+D, en colaboración con el Departamento deInformática y Automática de la Universidad de Salamanca. Este proyecto se enmarca dentro de las actividades relacionadas con la gestión del Hogar Digital y de los proyectos actualmente en desarrollo en Telefónica I+D en este campo. El objetivo del proyecto global es explorar diversas tecnologíashabilitadoras de inteligencia ambiental con las que el usuario interacciona en elhogar de forma transparente, proporcionando componentes tecnológicos en distintos escenarios: asistencia y bienestar en el hogar, entretenimiento, gestión de la identidad en el hogar, gestión de la ubicación en el hogar. El Monitor de Salud Personal que se describe en este artículo está orientado a satisfacer el objetivo de asistencia y bienestar en el hogar y cuyos objetivos se integran plenamente dentro de la iniciativa europea Ambient Assisted Living JointProgramme (AAL)

    VALS: Virtual Alliances for Learning Society

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    [EN] VALS has the aims of establishing sustainable methods and processes to build knowledge partnerships between Higher Education and companies to collaborate on resolving authentic business problems through open innovation mediated by the use of Open Source Software. Open Source solutions provide the means whereby educational institutions, students, businesses and foundations can all collaborate to resolve authentic business problems. Not only Open Software provides the necessary shared infrastructure and collaborative practice, the foundations that manage the software are also hubs, which channel the operational challenges of their users through to the people who can solve them. This has great potential for enabling students and supervisors to collaborate in resolving the problems of businesses, but is constrained by the lack of support for managing and promoting collaboration across the two sectors. VALS should 1) provide the methods, practice, documentation and infrastructure to unlock this potential through virtual placements in businesses and other public and private bodies; and 2) pilot and promote these as the “Semester of Code”. To achieve its goals the project develops guidance for educational institutions, and for businesses and foundations, detailing the opportunities and the benefits to be gained from the Semester of Code, and the changes to organisation and practice required. A Virtual Placement System is going to be developed, adapting Apache Melange, and extending it where necessary. In piloting, the necessary adaptations to practice will be carried out, particularly in universities, and commitments will be established between problem owners and applicants for virtual placements

    Faat – Freelance as a Team

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    Agile methodologies are reliable engineering and management practices, capable of helping in the development of quality and successful software in business environments. However, most of these methodologies are centered on a development team and its internal communication. Moreover, for simplicity, a single product development is taken into account with its successive releases. There is another scenario: that of a single programmer working alone and often in much smaller projects and in several at the same time. Also in this scenario the client proximity is not as described by the agile environment ideal. In that case, the priorities and needs change, communication takes on another meaning and working mechanisms are not always comparable to that of a team. This paper introduces Faat (Freelance as a Team), a methodology specifically designed for those professionals. Integrating existing practices to the needs and possibilities of an individual programmer. However, it has been frequently considered the possible application of this methodology to small teams and/or other more general scenarios. This methodology has been tested in the web-based learning application

    E-Docent: a tool for the creation of teaching environments with support for educator coordination

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    Se describe e-docent, aplicación basada en web para la construcción de sitios para la enseñanza.The following paper describes e-docent, a webbased application for the construction of teaching sites. Edocent is an LMS (Learning Management System). In the same vein as other similar applications, it offers various ways to ease the communication between teachers and students, and also between students, thus trying to enhance the learning experience. However, its main trait is a coordination module. This is a tool for the team of educators who are responsible for a given discipline or set of subjects. It offers support to establish a set of relationships between subjects, thus facilitating a higher degree of cohesion among related matters. This means a shift in perception for the student since he or she is provided (in an automatic and explicit way) with a set of relationships between concrete aspects of various related subjects. Students are shown a holistic view of their studies, beyond the usual teaching materials. Educators can use an automatic search system to help them find points of interest in their own material, thus selecting the most significant. Documents (PDF, DOC, PPT) supplied to the portal by the educator are supplemented with a learning object which contains a set of metadata that describe document contents and point to other related documents

    Coordination of programming-related subjects by means of an automated search engine: e-docent

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    Se describe e-docent, aplicación basada en web pra la construcción de sitios dedicados a la enseñanza.The following paper describes e-docent, a web-based application for the construction of teaching sites. E-docent is an LMS (Learning Management System). In the same vein as other similar applications, it offers various ways to ease the communication between teachers and students, and also between students, thus trying to enhance the learning experience. However, its main trait is a coordination module. This is a tool for the team of educators who are responsible for a given discipline or set of subjects. It offers support to establish a set of relationships between subjects, thus facilitating a higher degree of cohesion among related matters. This means a shift in perception for the student since he or she is provided (in an automatic and explicit way) with a set of relationships between concrete aspects of various related subjects. Students are shown a holistic view of their studies, beyond the usual teaching materials. Educators can use an automatic search system to help them find points of interest in their own material, thus selecting the most significant. Documents (PDF, DOC, PPT) supplied to the portal by the educator are supplemented with a learning object which contains a set of metadata that describe document contents and point to other related documents